I grew up in a house where music was second nature, My father loved music and my sisters were crazy about it too..(it beats me that none of them turned out to be a musician). Back then we were either singing, playing different indoor games or reading a novel.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
I am really looking forward to tomorrow,today has been a very crappy day. Started the day being pissed off. Everything is just falling apart. Oh well!!!! i will rise above.
Am having a what the f%%k moment.....Seriously getting angry this early does'nt feel good at all. Now my whole day is gonna be messy just because a friend is having a hard time and am the one to blame, like WTF?? i thought before someone was blamed for something the person has or had to have done something wrong, welcome to my life today.......
So I have decided am no more telling people about my blog. It's about to get really personal, the fewer people who read it, the better.
Friday, 26 July 2013
This is one subject that people deal with everyday, who are our enemies? why do we think we have people who hate us?. I don't think its possible not to have enemies at the same time i don't think about them at all. I totally agree with Winston Churchill, once we refuse to follow the general public and live in a way they think we should animosity starts. Oh well who says i dont need enemies? In whose presence will God prepare my table? lol
It beats me when people think i have it all together, No one has it all together totally. I break down more than anyone i know,am a constant wreak, but most of my friends say i have it all together all the time and sometimes it makes me so annoyed other times it leaves me speechless. i wish they knew the daily struggle i deal with maybe they would cut me some slack and stop seeing me as the "LUCKY ONE" Lord knows how many times i wish i had their lives. Beautiful pictures does'nt mean a beautiful life its make believe, some are photoshoped to look beautiful but once they see a beautiful picture of you and the background looks a little nice. BOOM!!!!! there they go again, i wish i could get used to it but i have tried and i cant. Your grace oh Lord.
Weight Loss
So I wanna write on one subject I know most people are familiar with, and something i struggle with all the time. WEIGHT LOSS. Yeah, most people are unto it, some get off and on the train (like me me). So is weight loss something one should do for a period, to fit into a particular dress or for a birthday? Or is it sustainable?
I think it should be a total life style change. Dropping weight all of a sudden and gaining is not good for our health. So one should aim for a slow ( not snail's slow anyway ) but steady progress. I say, don't diet, eat healthy. That means cut out some junk permanently from your diet, reduce portions and generally eat healthily. This way u can enjoy the foods you love at a moderate level. Add that up with a minimum of 30 mins of exercise, 5 days a week and bam! Weight loss!
What happens when we reach our goal weight? Do we stop watching the foods we eat? Do we stop exercising? That's why I think making it a life style change, ( i know, easier said than done) all we should do when we reach our goal is : if we had one cheat day in 2 weeks, we make it one cheat day a week ( Don't go overboard on cheat days! It's a cheat day, not a binge! ) if we were exercising 5-6 times a week, we can reduce to 4-5 times. As far as fitness is concerned there is so much to attain, bulking, wash board abs, etc. find a goal and work towards it.
We are all a WIP ( Work in Progress ) with regards to this.. So try and make the journey a fun one, don't do exercises we hate, else it will be hard to commit to it. Experiment with healthy recipes, www.howdidshegetfit.com is a great one, the Internet has a lot to go through..as much as possible get people around us involved so that we stay accountable.. I pray i stay accountable after this post.
God help us all. Cheers!!
I think it should be a total life style change. Dropping weight all of a sudden and gaining is not good for our health. So one should aim for a slow ( not snail's slow anyway ) but steady progress. I say, don't diet, eat healthy. That means cut out some junk permanently from your diet, reduce portions and generally eat healthily. This way u can enjoy the foods you love at a moderate level. Add that up with a minimum of 30 mins of exercise, 5 days a week and bam! Weight loss!
What happens when we reach our goal weight? Do we stop watching the foods we eat? Do we stop exercising? That's why I think making it a life style change, ( i know, easier said than done) all we should do when we reach our goal is : if we had one cheat day in 2 weeks, we make it one cheat day a week ( Don't go overboard on cheat days! It's a cheat day, not a binge! ) if we were exercising 5-6 times a week, we can reduce to 4-5 times. As far as fitness is concerned there is so much to attain, bulking, wash board abs, etc. find a goal and work towards it.
We are all a WIP ( Work in Progress ) with regards to this.. So try and make the journey a fun one, don't do exercises we hate, else it will be hard to commit to it. Experiment with healthy recipes, www.howdidshegetfit.com is a great one, the Internet has a lot to go through..as much as possible get people around us involved so that we stay accountable.. I pray i stay accountable after this post.
God help us all. Cheers!!
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Not everyone cares what people say our think about them, But if you do this song is dedicated to you. We are beautiful, i hope it helps us walk with pride
Lately everyone seems to be in a rush, The search for fast money, Women looking to settle down before it gets too late and ignoring the fact that there is more to marriage than just being a 'MRS'. Men looking to make quick money at all cost not minding the consequences. No one stops to breath any more and look around to appreciate the beautiful things around us...I was talking to a friend the other day, She said that now there is no time nowadays to even wait and check the time. Where are we all running too? we need to take a break, sit back and evaluate on what we really need, and work towards it instead of just chasing beautiful shadows.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
African Men And Love
I asked an older friend (a guy) What is love to an African man? When its easy for him to keep a girlfriend outside even when he is married. And he said that love is being able to provide for your woman, spoil her with money and gifts, defend her in public that she should be content with that, and not poke her nose into his other affairs that has nothing to do with her. Another guy who over heard us chipped in " An African man, will always keep another woman outside, its in our blood" and they laughed. This got me thinking are we (women) supposed to go into marriage expecting our husbands to have a girlfriend outside? Is cheating supposed to be acceptable cause "it's in their blood". I truly disagree oh, in church two people are joined together not three. Anyway maybe to most African men not my special African man when he comes along. lol
What do you guys think love is to an African man.
Rihanna's deliberate wardrobe malfunction

Rihanna ooooooooo, Haba!!! The pop star was pictured leaving her hotel room in stockholm, Sweden this afternoon wearing a transparent white T-shirt without a bra. Babe we know say you get fine breast already but is this what young fan and under-age kids who love and adore you should be copying?cause some of them will.
Monday, 22 July 2013
I was talking with a friend two hours ago about relationships, we started talking about coming clean about your past to your present boyfriend. She totally agreed but i have seen a lot of relationships where the ladies (esp) refuse to come clean, hiding bits and pieces from their present relationship because the think and insist that the man will not understand, this causes problems in the relationship when the truth comes out eventually. My mother often says don't go telling a man everything he will use it against you someday (lol) but which one is better telling and risk him using it against you (if that really happens,i dont know o haha) or not telling and when the truth comes out everything crumbles, and trust is lost. Since both of them are likely going to end in disaster what's the point of lying? if it ends in the beginning it better than ending much later abi?
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Love is not enough sometimes, I think happiness and personal peace is more important,with some people being in love is everything but others still feel a void even though they are deeply in love with their partner yet they still feel empty... I think acceptance of oneself is way more important,accepting all your flaws,mistakes,short-comings and just being happy. Be you, and then when love comes one would feel fulfilled.
what do you think?
Friday, 19 July 2013
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