
Sunday, 5 July 2015


I saw this powerful picture on Instagram today and decided to share it here on the blog.

I cried after seeing this picture and reading what I am about to share here.
    What do you see? She has the key to help save him but can only save him by relying on his strength to pull her out so that they both be set free! They both need each other to survive but in order too, they both have to stretch out and reach for each other through the pain and bondage to come out alive. Untimely their strength can only come from one true power and source of rescue at the centre of it all and that is God.
          I have been broken one too many times that I had to build a wall so high with no windows, and every time I hear other people's stories I add an extra brick to my wall, now it's so high that I can barely see the colours of the leafs on the trees outside. I want to bring down these walls so bad but as soon as I'm about too someone leaves and I become broken all over again. The feeling sucks! It will only take God and someone who is really patient to help these walls crumble.
   I want these fears to go away, I want to feel wanted, I don't want to ask my self "what their ulterior motives" every time.  This picture speaks to me in so many languages that I clearly understand.  
       Help me Jesus, cause these walls really have to go down in order for me to be free.